Central African Republic crisis MSF aid workers killed – 28 April 2014 , Almeno 22 morti

Centrafrica, attacco a ospedale Medici Senza Frontiere: 22 morti

280937 apr 14

Centrafrica, attacco a ospedale Medici Senza Frontiere… -2-
Tra vittime anche tre operatori di Msf

Bangui, 28 apr. (TMNews) – L’attacco, che è stato compiuto sabato
ma di cui è stata data notizia solo oggi, ha avuto luogo contro
un ospedale di Nanga Boguila, a circa 450 chilometri a nord di
Bangui, ed stato portato a termine da un commando di uomini
armati sospettati di appartenere agli ex ribelli di Seleka.

Tra le vittime figurano anche tre operatori umanitari di Medici
Senza Frontiere, ha riferito la forza panafricana Misca.

“Uomini armati assimilabili a ex Seleka hanno attaccato sabato un
ospedale sostenuto da Medici Senza Frontiere nella regione di
Nanga Boguila, uccidendo almeno 22 persone, tra le quali tre
impiegati centrafricani di Medici Senza Frontiere. Oltre 12
persone sono rimaste ferite”, ha dichiarato un ufficiale della

(fonte afp)


Medical charity staff among 22 killed in CAR hospital attack

At least 22 people were killed during a weekend attack by gunmen on a Central African Republic hospital, a peacekeeper has said.

Three staff members of medical charity Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières or MSF) were among those killed.

An officer from the African-led MISCA force said armed men from the ex-Seleka rebel group and of Fula ethnicity were responsible for Saturday afternoon’s attack in the Nanga Boguila region.

Dozens more were said to have been injured in the attack.

MSF confirmed the death of its three employees in the attack in the northwest of the country, without giving further details.

“The attack happened while local representatives and MSF employees were holding a meeting,” an officer said.

“The assailants first opened fire at a group of people, gunning down four of them. Then they went to the hospital where they killed 15 other people and three members of MSF.

“They took computers and several other assets, breaking down doors probably in search for cash,” added the officer.

The impoverished country plunged into a crisis after a coup by the mostly Muslim Seleka rebels in March last year.



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