NJ Nuclear Plant Alert Lifted: Threat of Ruptured Gas lines setting town ablaze still remains

Hurricane Sandy

NRC: Allarme ancora in vigore presso l’impianto nucleare di NJ – livelli di acqua alta nella struttura Oyster Creek , mezzi di aspirazione acqua  rimangono attivi
Pubblicato il: 30 Ottobre 2012 alle 11:35 pm ET

NRC: Alert still in effect at NJ nuclear plant — High water levels in Oyster Creek’s water intake structure remain

Date: Oct. 30, 2012 5 p.m.

[…] Heightened coverage will continue at Oyster Creek, a plant in Lacey Township, N.J., still in an “Alert” due to high water levels in its water intake structure. […]

At Oyster Creek, the Alert – the second lowest of four levels of emergency classification used by the NRC – remains in effect as plant operators wait for the water intake levels to drop to pre-designated thresholds. The water level rose due to a combination of a rising tide, wind direction and storm surge. Oyster Creek was shut down for a refueling and maintenance outage prior to the storm and the reactor remains out of service. Water levels are beginning to subside to more normal levels, but the plant remains in an Alert status until there is enough confidence levels will remain at more normal levels. Offsite power at the plant is in the process of being restored. […]

Watch nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen discuss the alert at Oyster Creek here

Published: October 30th, 2012 at 11:35 pm ET
By ENENews
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October 30th, 2012 | Category: East Coast, US


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