Women prisoners send aid package to Yezidis – Current Affairs in Kurdistan, KCK: AKP evidently playing with fire! scontri turchi kurdi

Women prisoners send aid package to Yezidis

19 August
17:15 2014

Le donne prigioniere delle organizzazioni di sinistra MLKP, TKP / ML e MKP hanno inviato   aiuti per Yezidi

ANKARA (DİHA) – Women prisoners from the leftist organisations MLKP, TKP/ML and MKP in the Sincan Women’s Prison in Ankara have sent an aid package they prepared under their limited conditions for the Yezidi refugees staying in the Silopi district of Şırnak.

Issuing a statement, the women prisoners in Sincan Women’s Prison called for solidarity with the Yezidis who were attacked by the ISIS gangs. The women said in their statement that the Yezidis, who reached North Kurdistan through the safe corridor opened by YPG forces after the occupation of Sinjar by ISIS, now needed solidarity, adding that “It is now time to hear the cry of the Yezidi women and this. It is now time to cry out determinedly: ‘We are all Yezidis’ against who are massacring Yezidis and all those who are behind them”, said the statement.

The women prisoners said they sent packages of food, clothes and toys for Yezidi women and children staying in Silopi, and called on primarily women and all people to show solidarity with the Yezidi people.


Current Affairs in Kurdistan

Written on August 19, 2014 by in EU, International, ISIS, KRG, Kurd news, Kurdistan, USA

By Dr. Sherzad Al-Khalifa:

There are a great deal of events happening in the whole region and very fast. Of course most people from the Middle East unfortunately believe in conspiracy theories and read about the events that they face either as fate (God’s doing!) – therefore, nothing can be done about it – or they read into it all sort of strange assumptions. Let us talk about what is happening now in this area. Someone was asking me about this, asking if Turkey and Iraq planned all this to destroy the Kurdistan region and also asking me why all Europe are now helping Kurdistan?  And, of course, most Arabs think this is a conspiracy by the US and Israel to create a Kurdish nation, etc. This is very far from the truth of the matter.

The US and the Western counties are helping the Kurds now because they are very worried about the fast movement of IS (Islamic State, etc.) as they now have strong influence from Aleppo in the north of Syria, near the Mediterranean Sea in the west to Khanaquin and the Iranian border in the east. And because hundreds of young, stupid Arab and other immigrants in European countries started to come to Syria and now Iraq to join in this murderous organization: these European countries are very worried that some of these people will return to Europe and cause terrorist acts. The other reason why the US and European countries are worried is because they do not want an Islamic murderous state in the shape of the Taliban in Afghanistan to be established so near southern Europe. There are the reasons why they are almost panicked and have started to give help in providing arms and other support.

I think the West or the US would never have given military help to the Kurds if, say, the Iraqi army or the Turkish army was attacking Kurdistan, even if there were huge civilian casualties. This is the reality of politics. In fact there is a name for it in English: “Realpolitik “.

The definition of REALPOLITIK is policy based on practical objectives rather than on ideals.

If the Kurdish government is clever, they must use this incredible help to strengthen their system of government and become stronger politically and militarily for the future. No one will help the Kurds if they (the external power) do not have real interests in doing so.

Dr. Sherzad Al-Khalifa is a senior academic who worked from 1985 to 2010 at the School of Engineering, Warwick University, UK and as Director of Research at Duhok University from 2010 to 2012. He is now back in the UK as an Emeritus Fellow.


Iraq, Peshmerga avanzano verso Mosul. Italia accelera su invio di armi ai curdi

Dopo aver riconquistato la diga, le forze curde dei Peshmerga, appoggiate dai raid americani, avanzano verso sud. Intanto Baghdad apre ai curdi al governo. Dopo la commissione del 20 agosto le prime armi dall’Italia potrebbero arrivare in due giorni. Cameron: “No a nuova guerra in Iraq”

Riconquistata diga di Mosul (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)

Dopo aver riconquistato la diga, le forze curde dei Peshmerga, appoggiate dai raid americani, avanzano verso sud, verso la città di Mosul controllata dai jihadisti dello Stato Islamico.
Riconquista importante quella della diga, la più grande del paese, considerata un punto strategico perchè fornisce acqua ed elettricità alla piana di Ninive; sono stati i raid Usa ad aprire la strada all’avanza dei peshmerga curdi, che continuano a combattere a sud dell’infrastruttura.Intanto arriva l’apertura del governo di Baghdad ai curdi: il premier designato Haider al Abadi sembra voler seguire il percorso per un governo inclusivo mentre il ministro degli Esteri uscente, Hoshiyar Zebari ha annunciato un negoziato imminente con i curdi. Le relazioni tra la regione autonoma e Baghdad erano state congelate durante il governo di Nouri al Maliki.Italia, dopo commissione entro due giorni invio armi ai curdi
Dopo l’informativa del governo alle Camere, in programma mercoledì alla presenza dei Ministri Mogherini e Pinotti potrebbe avere tempi strettissimi il ponte aereo per la fornitura di armi ai peshmerga curdi. Il primo aereo C-130J carico di armamenti potrebbe arrivare a destinazione anche in 2 o 3 giorni. Intando da qualche giorno si susseguono tra Roma ed Erbil i voli nell’ambito della missione di aiuto italiana che ha trasportato nelle zone del conflitto acqua, viveri e generi di prima necessità.

Obama, diga in mano all’Isis “era una minaccia”
In una lettera al Congresso, il presidente americano Barack Obama ha spiegato di aver autorizzato gli attacchi aerei contro i jihadisti dello Stato islamico che controllavano la diga di Mosul, nel nord dell’Iraq, per proteggere gli interessi americani. I miliziani dello Stato Islamico infatti “pensavano di usarla come arma per inondare le zone non sotto il loro controllo. L’apertura incontrollata delle paratoie della diga avrebbe minacciato non solo i civili iracheni ma anche l’ambasciata Usa a Baghdad”. il Presidente degli Stati Uniti  ha interrotto le vacanze e Marthas Vineyard, in Massachusetts, per tornare alla Casa Bianca e essere aggiornato sulla situazione in Iraq.

Cameron “no a nuova guerra in Iraq”
Il primo ministro David Cameron ha escluso per il momento un intervento militare in Iraq. “Il Regno Unito non metterà piede sul terreno e non mandera’ l’esercito nella guerra contro l’Isis”. Parlando con la Bbc, Cameron ha poi aggiunto: “Dovremmo usare invece tutti i nostri asset, come la diplomazia, le relazioni politiche e l’aiuto internazionale”. Il ministro della Difesa Michael Fallon ha comunque confermato il prosieguo delle missioni umanitarie della Raf, la Royal Air Force.

Il Papa prega per i profughi
Mentre è in volo dalla Corea verso Roma il Papa lancia un tweet per i profughi dell’Iraq. “Tanti innocenti sono stati cacciati dalle loro case in Iraq. Signore, ti preghiamo perché possano presto ritornarvi”. Poche ore prima il Pontefice aveva scritto un altro tweet chiedendo ai fedeli di avere “fiducia nella potenza della croce di Cristo”.

– See more at: http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Iraq-Peshmerga-avanzano-verso-Mosul-Tempi-stretti-per-invio-di-armi-dall-Italia-e358591a-9c04-4b9a-aa9b-2dd971c96128.html#sthash.YPr4HnNh.dpuf


KCK: AKP evidently playing with fire!

19 August
14:17 2014

NEWS CENTER (DİHA) – Releasing a statement which strongly condemned the attack on the bust of Mahsum Korkmaz and the following murder by soldiers of a civilian in Lice district of Diyarbakır early today, Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council co-Presidency warned that “The AKP is evidently playing with fire”, and urged the government to abandon “this dangerous game” and to “end attacks”.

Remarking that the AKP state attacked the cemetery of martyrs who lost their life in the freedom struggle, and raided bullets on the civilian people, killing one, Mehdi Taşkın, and seriously wounding many others, KCK noted that fire started and the statue of Mahsum Korkmaz – Agit comrade, a hero in the national rising and resistance of Kurds- was demolished in the cemetery as a result of the attack which was carried out with helicopters and armored vehicles.

‘Agit is symbol of resistance of Kurdish people’

“The AKP is evidently playing with fire. Martyrs of the freedom struggle are the highest and inviolable values of the Kurdish people. In this respect, the AKP’s attack on the cemetery of martyrs and setting fire to it means an attack targeting all values of Kurds”, KCK underlined and said the message was clear and meant that; ‘you shall either accept being slave and having no identity. Otherwise, if you resist, we will set you on fire as well’. “The AKP state knows very well that Mahsum Korkmaz – Agit comrade- is a symbol of the resistance of the Kurdish people. Despite knowing this truth, the fact that AKP has attacked Agit comrade’s bust, the cemetery of martyrs, set fire to it, and caused provocation and made a massacre rehearsal by raiding bullets on the people, means undermining the non-conflict environment and a process which is not being able to occur anyway”, KCK said.

‘AKP mentality is same with that of ISIS gangs’

KCK remarked that this most recent attack has revealed the fact that the AKP mentality is the same with that of ISIS gangs. KCK stressed that the attack on the cemetery of martyrs was a part of deliberate exploitative policies that in the same way targeted throughout history Sheikh Sait, Seyit Rıza and many other Kurdish insurgents on whose deaths light has yet to be shed on, and the place of whose graves still remains unknown.

‘Enhance resistance shoulder to shoulder’

KCK pointed out that this attack was nothing but a consequence of a mentality which has a historical background and is for the negligence, denial and massacre of Kurds, and urged the AKP to abandon this dangerous game and to end attacks immediately. KCK saluted the struggle the people in Lice displayed against attacks targeting their values, and called on the people of Lice and entire Kurdistan to enhance the resistance shoulder to shoulder in all the areas they are present.



DIYARBAKIR (TURCHIA), 19 AGO – Un manifestante curdo è stato ucciso e altri due sono rimasti feriti da colpi di arma da fuoco durante la rimozione – da parte delle forze di sicurezza turche – della statua di un leader dei ribelli eretta nella cittadina di Lice (sud-est). L’inaugurazione della statua di Mahsum Korkmaz, ex leader del Partito dei Lavoratori del Kurdistan (Pkk), era avvenuta domenica, aveva suscitato la rabbia dei nazionalisti turchi e un tribunale ne aveva deciso la rimozione.

Die Linke MP Jelpke: Not US planes, but PKK saved tens of thousands ; Voice of Rojava: Voice of revolution and peoples


29-30 /6/2014 collage Ucraina, Siria Kurdistan: a A

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