When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer Walt Whitman ed altro di Whitman

Quando ascoltai l’astronomo erudito

Quando udii l’astronomo acculturato,

Quando dimostrazioni e cifre vennero incolonnate dinanzi a me,

quando mi mostrarono carte e diagrammi per sommarle, dividerle e misurarle,

quando mi sedetti a udire il seminario dell’astronomo tra mille applausi in sala,

oh, quanto presto mi stancai e stufai,

fino a che mi alzai e me ne scivolai via scappando,

nella mistica aria notturna brumosa, e di quando in quando

rimirai in perfetto silenzio le stelle

Walt Whitman

When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer

By Walt Whitman

When I heard the learn’d astronomer,

When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,

When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,

When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,

How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,

Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,

In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,

Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.


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