Freddie Gray death: Officer acquitted of four charges ; USA: the racial question ,i post

Baltimora Usa, assolto agente coinvolto nella morte del giovane afroamericano Freddie Gray

Gray morì dopo l’arresto, il caso suscitò una grande ondata di proteste Tweet Freddy Gray, il giovane morto dopo l’arresto Usa, tensione a Baltimora: annullato il processo a un agente coinvolto nella morte di Freddie Gray Baltimora, incriminati 6 poliziotti per la morte del giovane afroamericano Freddie Gray Usa, dipartimento Giustizia apre inchiesta federale su polizia Baltimora Obama: “Minoranze trattate ingiustamente in modo diverso”. Baltimora, ancora tensione Baltimora: da New York a Boston, proteste in molte città Usa Baltimora, liberi su cauzione gli agenti accusati dell’omicidio di Freddy Gray Il caso di Baltimora. Gli Stati Uniti scendono in strada per Freddie Gray Baltimora: “Sei agenti sotto accusa per omicidio”. Obama: “E’ vitale che la verità venga fuori” 23 maggio 2016 – See more at:

Freddie Gray death: Officer acquitted of four charges

  • 23 May 2016

Freddie Gray death: Officer acquitted of four charges – BBC … –


Freddie Gray Another black man Death : Baltimore protests .

Rosa Parks Arrested December 1, 1955 –USA : USA: the racial ..

Rosa Parks Arrested December 1, 1955 – The case of …

‘Black Lives Matter not Black Friday!’ Day of action across US over Laquan McDonald shooting

Chicago Retailers Ready for Shooting Protests, Nov 27, 2015,

Laquan McDonald: Hundreds protest after footage emerges of white police officer shooting black teenager dead

USA : Day 6 Of Jamar Clark Protests – USA: the racial question , post

Minneapolis shooting officers named as protests rage

“Another Yale is Possible”: Students Confront Racism at Ivy League School

KKK massacre North CarolinaGreensboro 3/11/ 1979 ;KKK post di questi anni

Six black churches torched near Ferguson in 10 days, media all but silent , collage post

Black Churches Burn ; Muslim groups ‘support victims of arson’

Ku Klux Klan ieri e oggi : USA –

Terrorism in Charleston discussion: collage .

USA: the racial question ,collage |

The Hanging Noose And Fighting Racist Terrorism On The Job At SF Recology

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States in 2015 – interactive

Bree Newsome Speaks For The First Time After Courageous Act of Civil Disobedience

Harlem Black Lives Matter Protest Ends In Violent Arrests

strage di Charleston : perdono, religione, ENGELS, Marx ,Victor Hugo ecc …

Terrorism in Charleston discussion: collage

We Shall Overcome: Charleston Mourns Together At Vigil

Strage di neri a Charleston : non è una questione di vendita armi, è razzismo ; the racial question ,collage ….

Ku Klux Klan 1º Parte |

Ku Klux Klan |

A large crowd of protesters gathered at the Craig Ranch ; USA: the racial question ,collage ….

USA: Police officer manhandles, pulls gun on black teenagers – USA: the racial question

No charges for US police officer in shooting death of black teen

As investigation enters fifth month, Tamir Rice’s mother has moved into a homeless shelter

Baltimora : FOP calls on prosecutor torecuse herself, defends officers Baltimore Sun, scarcerati su cauzione

Those stories that Freddie Gray had a pre-existing spinal injury are totally bogus

BaltimoreRiots #FreddieGray – Emeute à Baltimore après la mort d’un jeune – 25 avril 2015

Baltimora: by any means necessary by clashcityworkers

On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City : turns pages

Emeutes à Baltimore après la mort d’un jeune – 27 avril 2015 – avec vidéos: Freddie Gray Funeral

Baltimore mayor calls for ‘peaceful and respectful’ protests

Justice is not an abstract concept. Justice is a living #FreddieGray. Justice is a smiling #RekiaBoyd. Justice is no more death.

Freddie Gray Another black man Death : Baltimore protests

USA: Funeral service held for African-American police shooting victim Walter Scott

South Carolina police have shot 209 people in the last five years, report finds – new Video

Murder charge for S. Carolina cop who shot black man 8 times in back ; USA: the racial question

a ‘damn punk” in Ferguson… articolo e video

Usa, ragazzo nero di 18 anni ucciso da poliziotto; USA: the …

2 police officers shot as Ferguson protests turn violent

the day after “selma day” : Another Unarmed Black Man, Killed By Police In Colorado

Bloody Sunday 1965 with John Lewis Interview – Malcolm X in Selma

Bloody Sunday Selma : Black Teen Tony Robinson Protesters

Malcolm X : Omaha, 19 maggio 1925 – New York, 21 febbraio 1965 ; “I Can’t Breathe” in USA

8 aprile 1964: Malcolm X interviene al Militant Labour Forum …

The case of Trayvon Martin: Fight Racism! Fight Capitalism ..

Rosa Parks Arrested December 1, 1955 – The case of …

Charges Dismissed Against Joseph Weekley, Cop Who Fatally Shot Sleeping 7-Year-Old

Eric Garner : affrontements à Seattle contre la relaxe du

“I Can’t Breathe” – Racism is also a reproductive rights issue

No more Missouri compromises – John Garvey by libcom – Phillis Wheatley

Protests erupt in New York after jury decision in police death

No more Missouri compromises – John Garvey by libcom …

Ferguson brucia, l’agente che sparò e uccise il 18enne nero non sarà incriminato :25 novembre 2014

Stati Uniti ucciso altro giovane nero , e video significativo per i commenti sopratutto…

Bloody Sunday Selma : Black Teen Tony Robinson Protesters

Rosa Parks Arrested December 1, 1955 – The case of …

marcia a Washington contro le violenze della polizia nei

St. Louis: ultimo ucciso afroamericano ; riassunto ultimi uccisi

Note: this contains both graphic language and violence …

Ferguson. Oggi i funerali di Mike Brown …

Michael Brown colpito almeno sei volte. Nuovi scontri

Michael Brown l’ultimo giovane nero ucciso dalla polizia: analisi e video ; Trayvon Martin – Ramona Africa Speaks

USA : ucciso giovane perchè di colore e portava un cappuccio

Mississippi Burning – Le radici dell’odio | controappuntoblog …

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